Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Jeb v Dubya

Just think how much better off we would be if the Bush family did NOT practice primogeniture.


Are members of religious cults limited to "converted" rice?

Regime Change

Attention: NeoCons, Imperialists, war-mongers, Bush Administration. Forget regime change in Iran, Syria, etc. You would get almost 100% support for regime change in Myanmar.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Alien to Me

The economy tanking leads us all to seek changes, politics, faith, whatever. Me, too. I've become a Martian, a Wal*Martian.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Weight Watcher

Of all the weight-loss commercials, I like best those presented by diet coquettes.

Regime Change

Attention: NeoCons, Imperialists, war-mongers, Bush Administration. Forget regime change in Iran, Syria, etc. You would get almost 100% support for regime change in Myanmar.